Ciao tutti!
You're right, I never would have guessed that all of the, who under have borne their testimonies! That's awesome! How is Sister Snyder? She is amazing, and I wanted to tell her that a member here really likes the scarves that she gave me! She thinks that they might be hand made... But I am so grateful for her years of service. Seminary. I can't even imagine! I still remember what she taught, and I love looking back in my scriptures and finding hand outs and notes in the margins from that class. Scripture masteries are wicked useful! Even when I have to memorize them again in Italian, it's so much easier if I know what it is trying to say in English. Tell her thanks again for me!
Agh! I am missing politics!!!! What the heck America, pick some better politicians! At least chose Hillary over Trump, come on! Tell Jack to apply to Marshals... He would definitely get a job... And it's not as bad as I made it out, I kind of miss it! It's good money, decent hours, flexible management, and he can wear basically the same cloths he already wears... The people are awesome, he would enjoy the stock room! JUST DO IT!!! FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!!
Dang Allstate! What the heck! Bow has a great auditorium, so you won't miss out too much. But that's annoying that you have to pay for each session, how did you learn about that? But, get the CD, and send me some CD's of music. I just has to be uplifting and not worldly or romantic. If you need a reference as to what music I like, there is some music that we already have, like the vocal point songs, alleluia, umm... There is a song that I think is called Hallelujah, but not the Shrek one. Any thing upliftings. Any thing that is instrumental. Just some good music!
So is Ellie going to continue to get extra help in high school? I think she will live the guidance councilors, all of them are great!
Charlie! Tell me all the things he does, I look forward to hearing about his escapades with the pigs, running, and just the funny stuff he does! It's so funny to me!
And Dad! That's quite a week! Escape death, finding glasses, pigs! That's a crazy week! Have you been reading any book recently? Any good books I should say...
Ok. So, my week. Honestly, this week was kind of a bust. We kept getting bidone, or like cancellations, and it was really rainy and windy and cold and foggy. So, we did a lot of prep stuff. Like, we organized our area book, and looked at past investigators we wanted to try and contact. We did weekly planing, which took a long time. We made cookies for less actives and members who have birthdays this week, so we can bring then some cookies. Yeah, this week was long. But it was good to get everything in order, because this week, we've got a lot planed... I'll let you know how it goes! It's not all certain, but it should be cool if it works!
Language... I wish that I was English speaking every day... But, I know that is why I am here. English would have been too easy for me, and missions are supposed to be hard. Tell Jack that I think that English is too easy for him, and that I think that he is going foreign speaking... But it'll be great, keep me posted!
Vi voglio bene!
Sorella Hills
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