Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 41 Letter from Sorella Hills

Ciao famiglia! 

Has Issy decided she's going to BYU?  Has she decided a major yet? Did she take the SATs twice? 

Oh man! Conference was the best! I never appreciated it as much as I do out here.  Honestly, you all need to get dressed in church clothes, have a pad of paper nearby, and take action points as to what you want to change as a result of the conference.  When we had the conference with Anziano Kearon a couple of weeks ago, he gave us the advice to do "action point notes", not notes on everything that was said. This way, the conference is not just a boost that shoots you up high, and then you slowly come back down, but you continue climbing until the next conference! Constant progression :D It has made it so much more meaningful and helpful. Also, before the Kearon Conference, we had to do a lot of work, reading a lot of things.  And then he broke all our boxes and was like "you need to quadruple you prep work when you listen to an apostle!" Ah! So, we did a lot of praying, and a lot of studying, and we came with questions, and I feel so ready to go! 

Also, going off that line of thought, WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER MISSION CONFERENCE OCTOBER 20!!! We are going up to Rome again, and the visiting authorities will be President Russell M. Nelson, of the Quorum of the Twelve, Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, of the Presidency of the Seventy, Bishop Gerald Causse, Presiding Bishop, and Elder Patrick Kearon, Europe Area President!!! AHHHHHH!!! So excited! 

But back to conference, SO GOOD!!! So much inspiration :) Ah! 

The rest of the week was spent inside... I came down with the flu along with my companion.  We were both still sick! My poor companion! She got an ear infection, an allergic reaction to Italian Tylenol, and a  cough, with congestion :) It's pretty gross :) I just had the flu/cold.  I don't know what to call it because it was like a cold, but I had a fever... I'm better now, still have some congestion and a cough, but it's not bad anymore! Finally, we are out of the house! Two weeks! We went to the beach today, and it was so beautiful! No one on the beach except us, and it felt so good to be out, and to have the wind sand and water, ah! So nice! 

I love you all! Stay awesome!
Sorella Hills

When I was sick, I drank this 'tea' made with water, apple cider vinegar, and honey.  Watch my face!

This beautiful baby!!

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