Q&A for the week:
1. How is your companion? Did she go home?- Yes, she went home on Wednesday. It's been a rough week.
2. Did you get out of the apartment this week?- Yes, I have been doing double duty in Rome and Ostia.
3. Are you getting a chance to play the piano/organ? - Yes, sometimes I play for sacrament meeting.
4. What happened to English a second language?- We still do it every Tuesday and Thursday. It's a mission wide thing.
5. How is your investigator that you had reconnected with?- Haven't heard from her
6. Do you sing in the choir?- There isn't one.
7. Do get a chance to have any testimony building experiences?- Ummmmm. I don't know. It's been a rough week.
Ah, well. Love you all. Stay safe in the snow and with all the crazy activities!
Sorella Hills
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