Friday, April 14, 2017

Week 66 Letter from Sorella Hills


Wowza, lots going on! We had a crazy week too... we went to Cagliari to get my companion's Permesso di Soggiorno (it's like a green card of sorts).  So, we got to fly, and see Sardegna again! I love Sardegna SO much! It was good to go back, that's for sure! We tried to buy the rings, but my card was blocked.  So, I took the money out, and gave it to another Sorella, who is going back next week, and she will pick them up for me.  I won't send pictures, so it's a surprise, a long with all the other things I've gotten you guys! 

We also had a conference for the mission leaders, and for the zone leaders, and our district meeting.  Plus General conference! So, we were out of the city a lot... but it was good.  I love traveling 😆

What was your favorite talk? You probably haven't seen them all yet. I have only seen the Saturday sessions... NO SPOILERS! But I loved the ones by Holland, and by Nelson.  Sooooooo good! 
Tell us about the Baptism in the ocean. It was an investigator of the Sorelle from Ladispoli.  A lot of places don't have fonts, so they do a lot of the baptisms in the ocean!
Love you all! Todo bien! 

Sorella Hills

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